Internet of Things (IoT) Industry

Helping the IoT Industry Grow

我们周围的世界正变得越来越数字化.  From machines, cars, and appliances to farmlands and buildings, 我们所有的日常用品都越来越紧密地九五至尊电子游戏网址大全在一起.  几乎所有的“东西”都可以通过集成传感器连接到互联网上, Wi-Fi technology, and other specialized hardware.  Once these ‘things’ are online, they can communicate with each other, with their users, with organizations, and other connected parties.  这就是物联网(IoT), VRG Components®拥有帮助您保持连接的一切.

VRG Components可以帮助您为物联网行业采购难以找到的供应短缺(分配)或交付时间较长的组件.  We fill supply chain gaps quickly and efficiently.  由于我们经过仔细审查的全球网络,我们可以获得物联网行业的各种电子元件.

Find your electronic components 寻找难以找到的物联网电子元件? Use the part finder or contact us.

IoT Electronic Components Applications

Thanks to the Internet of Things, 设备现在通常相互连接,并与互联网连接,以实现流程和例程的自动化.  所有连接的设备都会产生对用户和组织有用的数据和信息.  这些数据不仅提供了对当前使用情况或流程的洞察,还可以用于预测未来的使用情况.

不同的数据流可以相互比较,以便识别模式.  IoT applications are readily found in manufacturing, retail, medical and healthcare, transportation, home and building automation, agriculture, energy management, and environmental monitoring.

蓝灰色的城市天际线,物联网图标代表wifi,互联网,电脑,金融 & cloud storage

Tailored Support

VRG Components专注于满足客户的需求和要求.  Whatever industry they work in. 这是我们在全球范围内全面服务的起点.  全球团队与各国的要求保持同步,并在采购方面遵守这些要求.  VRG offers warranty programs for our customers, plus the support of our dedicated experts, including our sales team.

No matter how you need our help, we’ll be there.


Typical Manufacturers for IoT Electronic Components

VRG Components自豪地为主要制造商提供可靠的物联网电子元件,例如: 

AMD      Analog Devices      Intel (Altera)      Micron Technology      Nvidia      NXP      onsemi

Renesas      ROHM      Samsung      Skyworks      ST Microelectronics      Texas Instruments      Xilinx

Analog Devices logo

Analog Devices

Analog Devices是一家美国跨国半导体公司,专门从事数据转换, signal processing and power management technology.

Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments

德州仪器设计和制造半导体和各种集成电路, 它卖给全球电子电子游戏网址设计师和制造商的电子游戏网址是什么.

NXP logo


恩智浦半导体是汽车嵌入式应用安全连接解决方案的全球领导者, industrial & 物联网、移动和通信基础设施市场.

Renesas logo



STM, STMicro, ST Microelectronics logo


意法半导体是一家总部位于日内瓦的法国-意大利跨国电子和半导体制造商, Switzerland.

onsemi logo


onsemi manufacturers energy efficient connectivity, sensing, power management, analog, logic, timing, discrete, and custom devices.

Internet of Things Part Finder

为了方便在庞大的电子元件库存中进行搜索, VRG has developed a part finder.  输入零件号并浏览我们的整个库存.  一旦你找到了你正在寻找的组件,你就可以要求一个适合你需要的报价.  我们的销售团队将与您九五至尊电子游戏网址大全,为您定制难以找到的部件的报价.

FIND YOUR ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 寻找难以找到的物联网电子元件? Use the part finder or contact us.

Product Categories

VRG Components可以提供任何难以找到的电子部件, 特别是那些供应不足(分配)或交付时间较长的电子游戏网址.  我们通过广泛的、经过仔细审查的、可靠的供应商网络来做到这一点.

以下电子元件在物联网行业中被广泛使用:  Wi-Fi Modules, RF/IF & RFID, RF Amplifiers, RF Demodulators, Bluetooth Modules, RF Transceivers, Integrated Circuits (ICs), RF Receivers, Transmitters, Transceiver Finished Units, and more.



A sensor is a device, module, machine, 或子系统,其目的是检测环境中的事件或变化,并将信息发送给其他电子设备, frequently a computer processor. A sensor is always used with other electronics.

Antenna cable connectors, metal plug on white, macro.

RF & Microwave


Three relays on white background


A relay is an electrically operated switch. 它由一组用于单个或多个控制信号的输入端子组成, and a set of operating contact terminals. 该开关可以在多个触点形式中具有任意数量的触点.

VRG Components is Your Ideal Partner

我们的客户经常承受着快速找到库存的压力.  部件必须符合质量标准并按时到达.  全球客户选择VRG Components是因为我们有能力确保他们所需的电子游戏网址, the speed at which we can deliver, our reliability, quality, and our ongoing customer support.  换句话说,VRG是可以让您安心的重要供应链合作伙伴.

  • Unsurpassed global supply chain
  • Get a quote quickly
  • Quality focused & AS9120B / ISO 9001: 2015 certified
  • Highest quality components
  • Competitive pricing
  • Flexible payment terms

VRG Components通过AS9120B / ISO 9001: 2015认证.  我们的质量管理体系包含严格的质量准则和严格的防伪措施,因此您可以信赖我们提供的电子部件的质量.  通过九五至尊电子游戏网址大全VRG Components获得您所需的一切,以满足您的电子部件需求.


IoT Parts


IoT Applications


Years of Experience

Other Relevant Industries


Fire & Security

From smoke detectors to integrated home security, 消防和安全系统帮助您保护您的家庭和企业.




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